Improve your lighting skills on location! Ever want to know how to get big results with your lighting without breaking your back lugging around heavy gear? Not only is it easy, it\'s fun. Spend an hour with David Guy Maynard on the beautiful beaches of Florida with gorgeous models and simple, direct instruction: • 1, 2 and 3 light setups with & without modification • Choosing light modifiers • Off-camera lighting techniques • How to overpower harsh sunlight with style
Improve your lighting skills on location! Ever want to know how to get big results with your lighting without breaking your back lugging around heavy gear? Not only is it easy, it\'s fun. Spend an hour with David Guy Maynard on the beautiful beaches of Florida with gorgeous models and simple, direct instruction: • 1, 2 and 3 light setups with & without modification • Choosing light modifiers • Off-camera lighting techniques • How to overpower harsh sunlight with style