Top-selling guitarist Al Petteway does something few other musicians attempt: He mixes instrumental styles from folk to Celtic blues and makes them seem as natural as taking a deep breath. Songs included are "Eureka Hotel," "Meant to Be," "She Moved Through the Fair," "Smoky Mountain Morning," "Spindrift," "The West Wind" and more. Special features include instructional multi-camera angles for close-up viewing of Petteway's hands.
Top-selling guitarist Al Petteway does something few other musicians attempt: He mixes instrumental styles from folk to Celtic blues and makes them seem as natural as taking a deep breath. Songs included are "Eureka Hotel," "Meant to Be," "She Moved Through the Fair," "Smoky Mountain Morning," "Spindrift," "The West Wind" and more. Special features include instructional multi-camera angles for close-up viewing of Petteway's hands.